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    Fortune cookie

    HR Fortune cookies They are a food introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


    And Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    Fortune Cookies can be purchased from the Tendo and Nendo Shop for two Play Coins each, which can be obtained with the Nintendo 3DS Pedometer. After the Player eats a fortune cookie, the player will read his fortune, and the message can be exchanged for a special item if delivered to Tendo or Nendo. Most of the prizes are items that were available through DLC or the point system in previous games. There are currently 57 fortune tickets; 5 of which (# 4, # 6, # 16, # 30 and # 38) do not bring special prizes, and the player will receive a normal and random piece of furniture instead of a special item. Some fortunes may be actual sayings from previous Nintendo games.

    During some months, some limited sale items are added to the fortune cookie section, such as fireworks during August and glow sticks during December. As a result, there may only be one or no cookies for sale on any given day.

    Messages and Awards

    Número Phrase Premio
    1 Red favors you. And the caps too. Mushroom Wall
    2 In a while you will see a man with a mustache. Block floor
    3 (Your people) are in great danger, and saving them is your fate. Hero Jersey
    4 There are days when it is better not to leave the house. No prize (consolation prize)
    5 Don't take it lightly, a hidden chest awaits you! Hero Pants
    6 Try not to trip over the same stone twice. No prize (consolation prize)
    7 A lady never leaves the house without an umbrella. Parasol Peach
    8 You will find inspiration in a green beanie. Off to adventure! Hero hat
    9 If you leave my mask unsaved, something terrible will happen!

    Majora's Mask

    10 The hats are very nice, but the helmets are safer. Climate helmet
    11 Pay attention to twilight, it hides a lot of secrets. Casco Midna
    12 In life and in love ... there is always another castle. Toad Hat
    13 Whoever plays with fire ends up burning ... or not. Pikmin Leaf
    14 Breathing underwater is easy. If you have gills, of course. Pikmin Outbreak
    15 There are the people fleeing the bombs, and then there are you. Pikmin Flower
    16 Your future is pretty black. Bring a flashlight. Random cabinet
    17 Use your head when you see a brick nearby. Block
    18 Your life is priceless. Unless you have a hundred coins. Currency (object)
    19 Never wave a flag. Unless it's white. Pennant
    20 A flower is a flower, unless it is made of fire. Flower of fire
    21 The secret to growing is taking a lot of fiber. Super mushroom
    22 As much as you try to ward off problems, they always come back. Green Shell
    23 Power is fleeting. Superstar
    24 You only live once, unless you have spare lives. Extra life mushroom
    25 The future is a mystery, but it may have good things in store for you. Block?
    26 In life there are no shortcuts. Well, sometimes yes. Tubería

    You don't dodge fire. Fire eludes you.

    28 Cannonballs don't fire by themselves. Cannon Bill
    29 Never trust an egg. Always hides something inside. Yoshi Egg
    30 The chickpeas are very tasty. Unless you hate chickpeas. Random cabinet
    31 Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Trio of Red Shells
    32 You have a future as a professional pilot. Map
    33 Keep your friends close. They could be very useful to you. Flowerpot with Pikmin
    34 Never put on autopilot. Blue Falcon
    35 It is dangerous to go alone. Take this. Master Sword
    36 Never disappoint your friends. Nor your enemies Arwing
    37 If you are in danger, count to three. Triforce
    38 After the storm comes the calm. Sometimes. No prize (consolation prize)
    39 Sometimes bad situations turn into great occasions. Mini Dolphin
    40 Your future is red. But that very red. Virtual boy
    41 Playing sports is not a hobby. It is a lifestyle. Wii Balance Board
    42 There is a pants for every occasion. Climate Pants
    43 Good footwear can make the difference between victory and defeat. Climatic shoes
    44 Garlic is NOT toothpaste. Wario mustache
    45 With a good mustache it is less cold in winter. Mario mustache
    46 Put on an armor, your life will be much safer. Climatic jacket
    47 It's a shame to waste your brain. Metroid
    48 To err is human. And fall, too. Banana trio
    49 Any closed door can be opened. You just have to find the key. Hero's Boots
    50 Sometimes a sword is just that. But other times he keeps a secret. Fay mascara
    51 Works of art sometimes go unnoticed. Wii U console (white)
    52 Divided between two, the work becomes more bearable. Oh yes! Wii U Console (Black)
    53 Barking Dog, Little Biter. Chihuahua figure
    54 Dalmatian figure
    55 If your back is long, don't bend it too much. Dachshund statue
    56 Labrador figure
    57 Splitting between two, the work becomes more bearable, go well! New Nintendo 3Ds

    En Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

    Fortune Cookies can be purchased at the Fortune Cookie Shop in the Market. Once consumed, the fortune cookies will give the player a random item based on the type of cookie.

    Fortune Cookies can be purchased with Berries or Leaf Tickets, although some are only available with Leaf Tickets. The latter is normally used for information-filled cookies, and if the player obtains a special piece of these cookies, they have a chance to unlock a special scene.

    Specialty cookies change with the season, the only cookies that always remain are the Tendo cookie, the Nendo cookie, and the Ropa cookie.

    Fortune cookieFortune cookieYellow PikminFortune cookieFortune cookieBlockFortune cookieFortune cookieGreen ShellFortune cookieFortune cookieExtra Life MushroomFortune cookieFortune cookieBarrageFortune cookieFortune cookieMaster SwordFortune cookieFortune cookieMini DolphinFortune cookieFortune cookieVirtual BoyFortune cookieFortune cookieWii Balance BoardFortune cookieFortune cookieClimate PantsFortune cookieFortune cookieMetroidFortune cookieFortune cookieFay mask


    • If a fortune cookie is given to Dr. Sito, he will eat the cookie along with the message.
    • Many of the items obtainable for fortune cookies are obtained by popping balloons with the slingshot or through the Tom Nook Points Program in previous games.
    • Fortune cookie # 4 is most likely a no-prize cookie since the number 4 is unlucky in Japan, as it is read as "shi", which is the Japanese word for "death".
    • Fortune Cookie # 4 is a reference to Captain Falcon's famous taunt from the Super Smash Bros. series "Show me your moves!"
    • Fortune Cookie # 51 is an apparent reference to the Wii U's lackluster business performance and its eventual positive shift in public perception.
    • There were only 50 fortune cookies before the Welcome amiibo update.

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