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    Mayor Mayor

    Tortimer was the mayor in Animal Crossing: Population: Rising !, Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City FolkLet's Go to the City.

    El mayor is the person who represents the town on behalf of all its inhabitants and chosen by the people themselves, although these are never seen in the game. The mayor never changes in the whole game. From the very first game to the Nintendo Wii version, the mayor is Tortimer, a friendly, albeit elderly, turtle. That is why, at a certain age, Tortimer decides to cede the mayor's office in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and the first player to arrive at the town may be in his place, having multiple powers such as choosing Ordinances for the respective town or being able to build Municipal projects for the town to be better.

    Hasta Animal Crossing: City Folk/Let's Go To The City

    Main article: Tortimer

    Tortimer, Mayor of Animal Forest, Animal Forest +, Animal Crossing: Population: on the rise !, Animal Forest e +, Animal Crossing: Wild World] and City Folk / Let's Go to the City, will spend his days sleeping in City Hall ( only in Wild World and in City Folk / Let's Go to the City, since in the other games this building does not exist) and will appear when there are special events or in front of the town hall in Wild World and in City Folk / Let's Go to the City or at the Fountain of Wishes in Animal Forest, Animal Forest +, Animal Crossing: Population: on the rise! and Animal Forest e + to give you various special objects, according to the event held.

    And Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    Main article: Player

    The mayor in Animal Crossing: New Leaf has retired and has gone to live permanently on a tropical island, Tortimer Island. Due to a mistake made by Canela, the first player to arrive in town becomes the mayor and acts as Tortimer, or even more than he ever did in other versions (although who was waiting to receive Canela was left in suspense, actually). The mayor, after obtaining a house and being able to be registered, must reach 100% of the approval of the villagers as mayor so that he can carry out his work in full. Still, in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the player is not overly recognized as mayor, as there is much more to do than build Municipal Projects for the town and do ordinances for the town. Being mayor is one more way to make your town a unique town to your liking. The neighbors will only treat you as mayor when they have just met you and when they want to ask you for municipal projects, but they quickly acquire a friendly and trustworthy treatment.


    MayorMayorTortimer in Animal Crossing: Population: Rising !, Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City FolkLet's Go to the City.MayorMayorTortimer in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Retired


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