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    Sabotage is an ability in Among Us, exclusive only to Imposters, both living and ghosts.



    Imposters can do Sabotages, which create temporary problems that Crewmen can expect, ignore, or fix. The Sabotage button, located in the lower right corner of the screen, will open a red map where different Sabotages can be activated.

    Once the map is opened, The Deceiver can choose a Sabotage option that he would like to make by clicking or tapping the desired Sabotage button. In the Nintendo Switch version, the R-stick is used to navigate the interface, and A is used to activate a Tamper.

    Almost all tampers will prevent the emergency button from being pressed, except for Door Tamper. However, players can still report corpses, which will automatically resolve most sabotages, excluding door tampering on Polus, Repair Lights, and Communications Tampering.

    Only one type of tamper can be executed at a time, including door tampering (but only on the Skeld); However, in Polus sabotaged doors remain permanently closed until players open them by switching the correct levers, and impostors can still activate any other Sabotage even with the doors closed.


    Oxygen depletion

    Main article: Depleted oxygen

    Depleted Oxygen is a critical sabotage that will cause all oxygen to be removed, meaning the Imposters will win if the countdown reaches zero. This is one of the three critical Sabotages, and it is present on all maps except Polus. To fix this sabotage, players must enter the correct codes on two PIN keypads in different locations. At The Skeld, the two PIN keys are located in O2 and Administration, while at MIRA HQ, the two PIN keys are located in the Greenhouse and in the southernmost hallway. Each PIN pad has a sticky note with a five-digit code that players must enter.

    Reactor meltdown

    Main article: Fusion of the reactor

    Reactor Fusion is a Critical Sabotage that will cause the reactor to melt, destroying the map. Imposters will win if the countdown reaches zero. To solve this Sabotage, two players must hold their hands over two separate fingerprint scanners in Reactor at the same time.

    Reset seismic stabilizers

    Main article: Reset Seismic Stabilizers

    On Polus, Reactor Fusion is replaced with Reset Seismic Stabilizers. It has the same function as the Reactor as a Critical Sabotage, but takes place Outdoors on the seismic stabilizers. It also gives one minute to resolve it before the Crewmembers lose, as the seismic stabilizers are far apart.

    Sabotaged communications

    Main article: Sabotaged communications

    Sabotaged Communications will prevent Crewmen from viewing their task list and will cause the list to only show "Tampering Communications". It will also remove the segments and the progress indication from the taskbar. Tasks can still be completed, but alerts to complete a task will not appear on the personal map. For An Impostor, this incapacity will not be present. It also disables Security, Vitals, Admin, and Door Log, in which all recent logs and events are removed. In The Skeld and Polus, this Tamper is resolved by adjusting the dial to match two wavelengths on one monitor.

    In MIRA HQ, the Communication Sabotage resolution requires two people to enter the same code on PIN keypads in separate locations, Office and Communications. The code resets within a set time interval and therefore must be entered on each PIN pad before it is reset.

    Repair lights

    Main article: Repair lights

    Repairing lights will drastically reduce the vision radius for living Crewmen, so they won't be able to see other players around them until they are very close. Vision of The Deceiver and the Ghosts is unaffected. To resolve this sabotage, players must flip the switches on a circuit breaker in Electricity, or Office in MIRA HQ, and turn the little light above each switch to turn bright green. This can allow for easy kill and escape, as long as there are no multiple players within the area. However, there is a flaw in the sabotage of the light: since the Deceiver cannot measure how much a crewmate can see, he cannot move freely in front of him if he wants to avoid being discovered.

    Door tampering

    Main article: Door tampering

    Door Sabotage in The Skeld closes all doors at a chosen location for 10 seconds, locking players in or out. Tampering with a door will only disable non-Door Tampering Tampers until the door is opened again, which means multiple or even all of the doors on the map can be closed. Using a different type of tamper will disable all door tamper tampers until the tamper is resolved. Door Sabotage's cooldowns begin when Sabotage begins, while Door Sabotage's cooldowns begin when fixed.

    Door Tampering in Polus requires the doors to be manually opened by resetting four switches on an eight switch breaker. Furthermore, this and other sabotages are independent; Doors can be Sabotaged before and during other Tampers.

    Avoid collision path

    Main article: Avoid collision path

    Collision Path Avoidance is a critical sabotage in The Airship that will cause a helicopter to crash into the ship. Imposters will win if the countdown reaches zero. Resolving this sabotage requires two people to enter the same code on the PIN keypads on either side of the Pit Room. The code resets within a set time interval and therefore must be entered on each PIN pad before it is reset.


    • Sabotage cannot be used by Strong Green in free mode, as the Sabotage interface will not appear.
    • If a critical tamper is called, an alarm will sound and the display will flash red at the same time as the alert.
    • Sabotages are called "Special Tasks" in the Among Us code.
    • The time to fix a critical tamper depends on the map being played. If a Critical Sabotage is performed on The Skeld, the timer will be 30 seconds. If a Critical Tamper is performed on MIRA HQ, the timer will be 45 seconds. If a Critical Tamper is performed on Polus, the timer will be 60 seconds.
    • The alarm that sounds during a Critical Sabotage is similar to the one that sounds when Henry steals the diamond in the remastered version of the Henry Stickmin game “Steling the Diamond”.
    • During oxygen depletion, if the displayed code starts with a 0, the player does not have to type 0. For example, if the code is "07253", then all the player has to type is "7253" .
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