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    Tips Guide

    Tips Guide

    From getting shot down to forgetting to enter the blue zone, there are many ways to die in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Here are a number of tips and tips for staying alive, including how to coordinate play equipment, find cover, and move.



    Immediately after the brief stay in the lobby, players are thrown aboard the C-130 plane. The first task is to figure out where and when to jump.

    • Land as quickly as possible. Use the FWD key (left analog stick on Xbox) to plummet faster. The fastest speed at which it can travel down is 235 km / h.
    • Study landing zones. Take a look at the Erangel map - if you're a decent gamer, aim for the moderate to high popularity areas. If you are new to the game, aim for areas of low popularity.
    • Wait until the plane is directly over your desired landing site.
    • Use ALT (hold RB and look around with left analog stick on Xbox) to use free sight while skydiving to keep an eye on other players who may have jumped near you. Track them and try to keep in mind where they land.
    • You don't necessarily need to deploy your parachute. The game is automatically implemented based on the distance from the player's land. Keep this in mind if you are trying to fly over a tall structure or a hill.
    • Once you've landed, try to get to a building as fast as possible to take cover, use weapons and armor.
    • You can use S to plan longer distances.


    • If you are outdoors, keep moving. Enemies can take advantage of the fact that you are still to target you.
      • If shooting while open, run in a zig-zag pattern to make aiming more difficult for the enemy.
    • To check the corners, click and hold the right mouse button (LT on Xbox). Then use Q / E (click left / right analog sticks on Xbox) to swap views of the shoulders. This is done in the third person.
    • Use the cover wisely. Buildings are the obvious choice for cover, but players can hide behind outcrops and inside bushes.
    • If you out of date your weapon (X key or hold the Y button on Xbox), you can run a little faster but you are more vulnerable. However, running with a gun makes you just as fast as when you run without a gun.
    • Lock doors when entering and leaving buildings. Doors are closed by default, so leaving one open lets others know that you are or have been in a building. The latter also indicates that there is nothing of value remaining and that it may be close.
      • When entering a building for the first time, whether the door is opened or closed, consider cleaning it first before looting.
      • If lurking inside a building, park in the direction the door opens. This puts the door between you and the enemy player, who then has to enter the room and get into their line of fire.
    • Hold down the CTRL key while walking to "sneak away." Obviously this slows down the player but makes less noise.
    • Squat down using SPACE + C. This allows you to jump out of windows and jump a little higher.
    • If you just killed another player, wait a bit to see if your shots attracted someone before you go loot.
      • When looting the body, or anything outdoors, consider going prone or zigzagging to do so.

    Shrinkage area

    If you are new to the game, it is vital to understand that the playing area is periodically reduced. Not only that, but it does so by moving in the "blue circle" from the edges of the map. The initial damage is quite small, but it doubles each time the circle is reduced. If players are caught outside of this circle, they will eventually die. These are the time periods to take into account (from the first to the last):

    • 5 minutes
    • 3 minutes 20 seconds
    • 2 minutes 30 seconds
    • 2 minutes
    • 2 minutes
    • 1 minute 30 seconds
    • 1 minute 30 seconds
    • 1 minute

    Players can use the zone to their advantage by playing near it. This minimizes the chances of any enemy approaching from the rear. However, players who do this need to watch their limits very carefully and be ready to move when it shrinks.

    Red zones

    In addition to the advanced blue wall of death, some areas will light up red on the map from time to time. This means that they will be bombarded. If you're there, get out as fast as you can, but if you can't, try to run and hide in the nearest building; if it's close, don't get in trouble. Try to stay in buildings that have more than one story, and stay on the ground floor of that building.

    You can survive, but it is better not to tempt fate.


    • You can't shoot in water, so if you're swimming, dive. (C)
    • You will have to go up to breathe. (SPACE)


    Cosmetic items are great, but they don't serve a functional purpose. If there is an option, it is better to go for armor.

    • Durability - what damage is needed to destroy the armor
    • Damage reduction: how much less damage your user receives

    The three armor levels offer the following:

    • 30% damage reduction; durability of 125 (helmet); 200 (vest)
    • 40% damage reduction; durability of 150 (helmet); 220 (vest)
    • 55% damage reduction; durability of 230 (helmet); 250 (vest)

    The legs and arms do not have any armor available, although they do have a 50% natural damage reduction. Headshots always do 2,5x the damage of Chest shots.


    • You can hold down the aim button (right mouse button) to fire a gun at the hip, and you can press it once to aim down the gun sight.
    • When aiming, use SHIFT to hold your character's breath and get a little zoom (currently only works with red dot and holo optics).

    Loot boxes

    • Loot boxes are dropped into the play area from time to time, containing higher-end gear. They will be parachuted and then marked with a marker and red smoke.
    • If you're too close, go quick, loot, and move for cover.
    • If you are close but you are not sure if you will succeed, or you just want to take people out, use the box as bait and attack the approaching enemies.
    • You can also let someone loot you, follow them from the immediate danger area, then kill them to acquire the loot yourself.
    • If you see a box drop in the distance, mark your map. You can use the compass at the top of the screen to align with your marker.


    • Even if you are alone, you can change to an empty seat while the car is moving to make a fire. (CTRL + (1/2/3/4))
    • Vehicles tend to make a lot of noise, so be aware that you can attract unwanted attention.
    • Giving the vehicle a boost will consume extra gas, keep in mind that this does not usually affect the maximum speed of the vehicle. This is optimally used on sloping terrain.
    • To avoid damage, wait until the vehicle comes to a stop before exiting.
    • Against vehicles, shoot the tires. This paralyzes his speed of movement.
      • You can also proactively use this to prohibit players from finding a vehicle to use as an escape.
      • The M249 machine gun is very efficient in destroying vehicles.
    • Vehicles can explode if they hit objects at a high enough speed.

    Duo Team

    There are several strategies to ensure survival when playing as a duo team.

    • Use voice chat. Things can get extremely hectic, especially towards the end of the game, and typing wastes precious seconds.
    • Situational Awareness. Know where your partner is at all times, especially when splitting on the ground. Players can resurrect their partners.
    • If one partner has an excellent target, consider using the other partner as bait. Just avoid doing this when there are multiple enemies coming from different directions.


    Squads have the numbers advantage over individual and duos players, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to rush in every situation.

    • Have members assigned to roles such as scouts, snipers, and guards. This is especially important after a squad has established a base of operations.
    • Stay in semi-close proximity when taking a point. Grouping only helps enemy snipers, but staying too far away can mean not being able to revive an ally.
    • Multiple snipers can be used in a bait strategy, forming a kill box to attract enemies.
    • Don't kill your teammates. This can cause a player to be sent off if done on purpose.
    • Use clear and concise language to communicate with your team. This can include but is not limited to: how many enemies are there, how many are killed, what cardinal direction it is (whatever), are you shooting, are you dead.
    • Use your map markers effectively to visually indicate something of interest to you and your squadmates.


    • Increase the volume and use headphones. Walking may not make a lot of noise, but running does. You can also hear gunfights and approaching vehicles.
    • The keyboard shortcuts for the healing items are 7-9 and 0.

    Optimize performance

    Getting the Unreal 4 engine to work, even with the most modern hardware, is not a trivial task. Here are some quick tips to maximize your PC gaming experience.

    • General recommendations:
      • First: close all programs that you don't explicitly need to play. This is because your RAM and CPU usage will be largely consumed by other programs and processes. One of the best options would be not to leave Google Chrome or any other browser open. Close it and anything else that is not absolutely necessary.
      • Update your drivers to the latest version from your video card manufacturer.
      • Update your version of DirectX to the latest version.
    • In the properties section of the Steam client, you can right-click on the Steam library and select "Properties" and then "Set launch options."
      • Using notepad create a string with the following settings
        • -refresh 120
          • Set the number in bold to the highest refresh rate that your monitor and video card can support
        • -maxMem = 7000
          • This controls the maximum amount of RAM to allocate to the game. For example, if you have 8 GB of RAM and you want to dedicate 7 GB to the game, the entry that you would place after the equal sign would be 7000.
        • -malloc = system
          • This tells your operating system to decide how much memory will be used while the game is running. Since the game is not optimized yet, allowing your system to control this will improve the way the system handles the memory you have allocated in the option above.
          • This ensures that all of your CPU cores are used while the game is running.
        • - sm4
          • If you're still having trouble running the game smoothly, add it to your current Steam launch options. This will change the shader used in the game from DirectX 11 to DirectX 10. It won't look as good, but it may improve your frame rate.
        • Based on the sample hardware above, the final string would look like this:
          • -refresh 120 -maxMem = 7000 -malloc = system -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -sm4
    • "In Game" options
      • Set all of this to "Low" or "Very Low" with the exception of "Viewing Distance" to maximize visibility.
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