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    Forum :Pouvez-vous télécharger les modèles 3D des vêtements que vous mettez sur la boutique ?

      Forum :Pouvez-vous télécharger les modèles 3D des vêtements que vous mettez sur la boutique ?
      forums: Index > Roblox help and discussion > Can you download the 3d models of clothing items that you put on the shop?

      I'm planning on selling clothes and stuff since I like graphic design so I was wondering if there's a way I can download the 3d models of the clothing I put up or if I have to just 3d model it if I want to display it in a clothing shop game of sorts

      ArcherWasTaken (talk) 23:58, September 23, 2020 (UTC)

      There is a way in Roblox studio where you can load in dummies (such as the grey avatars you see in the catalog). You can load your clothing onto those avatars and put them where ever you need. You just need to copy and paste the I.D of your clothing.  

      GTSFT (talk) 22:02, September 24, 2020 (UTC)

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